Note: My capture card is malfunctioning so I cannot get photos or replays up. I finally decided to invest in a tuning garage, so here's the first tune. Now you have an opportunity to check out the circuit for yourself next time you boot up GT6 on.

In game make any other car your current car, then get back in your modded car to save stats Bruteforce Save Data Link: Save Game Gran Turismo 6 Mod Link: Save Game Updated in March 2021 mod. Use -> buttons to copy the parts to your current car. Make the car you are modding your current car. Make the car you want parts from your current car.

kann mir da jemand von euch profis weiterhelfen Make a back up of your save. Und dann hat man ja die Savegames GT6.0 bis GT6.6 aber da kann ich die Hex-Dezimal von meinem Credits-Betrag nicht finden. Habe mir die aktuellste nf schon geladen, also daran kann es nicht liegen. Home GT6 Save Editor Gran Turismo 6 - Savegame-Modding?! - PS3 Cheats/Savesīekomme da beim decrypten immer eine fehlermeldung in der art no disc-hash found usw.